Youth Programs

Welcome to the Denver Police Museum’s Youth Programs, where we ignite curiosity, inspire learning, and pave the way for bright futures. Our programs offer an exciting gateway into the worlds of criminal justice, law enforcement, and forensic science. Through engaging, hands-on experiences tailored for youth in grades 7-8, we blend the thrill of discovery with essential STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education, civics lessons, and insights into health and wellness.

At the heart of our Youth Programs lies a commitment to:

  • Inspiration: Sparking curiosity in science, technology, engineering, math, and civics.
  • Exploration: Creating pathways for career exploration in criminal justice, law enforcement, and forensic science.
  • Connection: Building trust and fostering positive relationships between youth and law enforcement.

Our aim is not only to provide enriching experiences but also to enhance perceptions of law enforcement, encouraging youth to consider the diverse array of career opportunities within these fields.

Please note, the Museum’s youth programs are currently not open to the public. At present, the Museum’s programming is at capacity and we partner directly with Denver Public Schools for student participation in our out-of-school youth programs. For events that are open to the public, visit our Events page.


Police Tech

Step into the cutting-edge world of law enforcement technology with Police Tech. From the bomb squad’s impressive equipment to the Real Time Crime Center’s surveillance cameras, youth witness firsthand how innovation keeps our communities safe. Historic and modern police vehicles, along with insights into GPS technology, offer a glimpse into the evolving landscape of policing.


In SWAT, youth explore the specialized equipment and tactics utilized by our elite law enforcement teams. From K-9 units to high-tech tools, participants gain an appreciation for the dedication and skill required to maintain public safety. Discussions on health and wellness underscore the importance of physical and mental well-being in law enforcement.

911 Response Center

Discover the critical role of communication in emergency response with Denver 911. Learn about the technology behind call dispatching and explore the capabilities of the mobile comms truck. A hands-on session with a police cruiser provides insights into the tools and systems used by officers in the field.

CSI and Forensic Science

Uncover the fascinating world of crime scene investigation and forensic science. From DNA analysis to fingerprinting techniques, participants delve into the methods used to solve complex cases. Engaging demonstrations and interactive activities illuminate the intersection of science and law enforcement.

Law and Order

Explore the intricate workings of the criminal justice system in Law and Order. From courtroom dramas to behind-the-scenes collaborations, youth gain insights into the diverse careers within this field. Discussions on civic responsibility and the rule of law inspire a deeper understanding of our society’s foundations.

Traffic Safety

Prepare for the road ahead with Traffic Safety. Designed for high school students, this program covers essential skills for safe driving, including interactions with law enforcement during traffic stops and post-accident procedures. Practical guidance ensures that young drivers are equipped to navigate the streets responsibly.


To ensure continuous improvement, we conduct surveys before and after each program, allowing us to gauge effectiveness and tailor future offerings to better serve our participants.

Our STEM & Civics Enrichment Programs offer a dynamic blend of education and exploration. By incorporating age-appropriate activities and real-world applications, we aim to ignite a passion for learning and empower youth to shape their futures.

Join us at the Denver Police Museum and embark on an unforgettable journey of discovery, empowerment, and community engagement. Together, we build a safer, more connected future for all.

Please note: We are currently at capacity for new youth program requests.